This is a Tallinn Bearty supporter event.
We are proud to feature and accommodate ongoing initiative of our Norwegian brothers - Den Norske Bamseklubben - for organising, hosting and leading a good cause of strengthening ties within the bear brotherhood.
BEARS CAN! is a testament that social bonds have been established and will be developed despite any difficulties.
You will hear from representatives of bear organisations in Scandinavia as well as Moscow, St.Petersburg, Kiev, Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius. We all will be talking of strengthening the ties first in our own communities and those of wider reach.
Come, enjoy a drink, and see what you have not seen. Bears can!
SAT/APR21/3-4PM @ artis cinema
Bears in cinematography: who, what, where, how
Interesting, empowering, thought-provoking - moderated conversations with our esteemed program guests and all interested souls about bears' influencing society and vice versa.
This time we will lick the minds of Miguel Albaladejo (ES), Rick Copp (US) and Yuri Linkevich (RU).
Come along, hear and say what tickles your mind and heart.
SAT/APR21/415-6PM @ artis cinema
- Tallinn Bearty is grateful to Spanish Embassy in Tallinn for its support -
Bringing back to the big screen a classic that had audiences in its grasp when it was released. This film was a breakthrough in so ways. How it became the sensation it was, and a classic, you can hear from the director Miguel Albaladejo himself