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Alturi (West Hollywood, CA) reached out to us for an interview., and we are happy that they did - sometimes it is best that others poke you with questions so you will not be lost without focus in your own dealings.

Despite the fact that the world of events and festivities has slowed down drastically, causes like Tallinn Bearty - standing for developing equal rights - have not stop existing. Although last year and a half we have run dry on chances to see people in close range face to face we have been active here nevertheless, keeping up the promise of our mission. Throughout our existance we would not have had any impact without huge number of people who trust and believe into what we have set to do. Only some of them have been mentioned in the conversation with Alturi's Lead Writer Alexandra Cuenning, too. Read the interview HERE and let us know what you think of our deeds, we would love that really really really. Silent approval of what we do can be also positive sharing - so go ahead, share, tag us, tell your own audience why you wanted them to see that. We love you in any and avery case.

Altuti's vision is to to educate and engage individual supporters who want to help improve the lives of LGBTI people worldwide. To do this, we have created Alturi, an online hub for news, stories, and advocacy. We provide updates and information on the issues and challenges facing the LGBTI community around the globe. Tallinn Bearty's mission is to advance equal rights, inside and out of our own brotherly community of gay bears, worldwide.


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