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Artist of TB23 Music - Bleedingblackwood (DE)

I once tried to stop making music, but it's like holding your breath - you can do it for some time, but you can't really stop breathing.

Let us meet a very special kind of guest to Tallinn Bearty 2023 Music - Bleedingblackwood (Timo). We had him answer few questions so you, our sweet audience, could get a bit more familiar with him and his music

You can see his gig on Fri 21st April and think along when we speak with all the artists of TB23M on Sat 22nd April

TB: What brought you to music? What are your sources?

Bleedingblackwood: I always sang and started singing in my first band when I was 18. We thought we were the most dark Goth-Band in the world (smiles at that notion now).

I tried out a lot of things - from Synth-Pop to Industrial-.Punk to Jazz - I am still not sure how I ended up doing what I do now.

I once tried to stop making music, but is like holding your breath, you can do that for some time, but you can't really stop breathing.

TB: As a musician, what drives you?

Bleedingblackwood: I often hear music and think to myself, that is so fantastic, you will never be able to create something as brilliant as this. So this is what drives me. A great song, a great singer, a great image, an intense feeling. Not that I want to copy any of that, but maybe to leave my own mark.

I want to get better in what I do and most important I want to like what I do. It is easy to do what you like, but it is not as easy to like what you do.

TB: What can we expect from your gig in Tallinn?

Bleedingblackwood: Me, some instruments and some moody and melancholic songs and hopefully a connection to you, the listener.


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