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Toni Ferrer is a geometric painter living and working in Madrid.


Originally from Barcelona, he moved to Mallorca, the biggest from the Balearic Islands at 9. While he was studying at the school, he started to take lessons at the Joan Calafat Tomas Fine Arts Academy.


During the high-school he began to love mathematics, the reason why he decided to study that at the university, combining it with painting as a hobby. He also studied business sciences and business management and administration degrees.

His career was in an opposite direction to art, focused as responsible of reporting and accounting in an airline company until his father fell seriously ill and passed away. At that moment, he decided to start again from zero and work in what makes him happy.


With his partner at that time, he moved to Auckland, New Zealand, a country with a great carpentry tradition, and he started experimenting possibilities of using wood in his art. He worked with a kiwi carpenter to create his 3D wood compositions, painting on different levels made from wood blocks.


With constructivism as the primal source, he wanted

to push one more step toward the flexibilization and invigoration of its principles.


After this experience of almost 3 years, he moved to Madrid, the cultural capital of Spain, where he’s been living, creating and showing his works, with a 6 months hiatus living in Brussels to enjoy the grey weather.


His works have been exhibited in Palma, Campos, Madrid, Valencia, Auckland and Christchurch, in solo and group exhibitions and art festivals, and featured in some national magazines in Spain and New Zealand.


Now he’s going to present a site-specific installation in Tallinn, the first time showing his artwork in the city.


“My works deal with the incorporation of an extra dimension, metaphorically and literally speaking, pieces that sometimes move between the thin line that separates painting and sculpture. they are three-dimensional works that, in some cases, seem to escape from their support, growing organically in the places where they are, without the rigidity of a frame as a traditional support. Other times, the geometric shape of the canvas is part of the composition itself. There are two pillars in my work: the relevance of the flat colors and beauty of the lineal shapes.”




Madrid: Colindante, Tila Barrena, espacioBRUT, Tiempos Modernos

Valencia: Estudio30 gallery





Toni's artist homepage

Toni's Instagram artist page 

Toni's Facebook artist page


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